Specializing in asphalt shingle roofing, siding and gutters
Have you ever called roofing contractors and left messages on their answering machines only to become frustrated that it took days or weeks for anyone to call you back? When they do meet with you to discuss the project do you have to wait again for poorly prepared proposals? Do the proposals lack the necessary clarity of scope, specifications and terms essential to give you the peace of mind that you need to make a decision of such importance to your home? Do you find yourself shaking your head in disbelief wondering how these contractors can possibly run a successful business with their lack of professionalism? You should wonder. Then imagine what the quality of the actual work might be like when the crew arrives.
A home is typically your largest investment. Installing a new roof, siding and gutters are far too important to leave to amateurs and fly-by-nighters. Here at Sobrinski Painting we believe in catering to our customer and not the other way around. We are an award winning service and have been a trusted household name in the Lehigh Valley for the past 40 years. The key to our success has been our company philosophy of charging an average fair price with superior quality work and service.
You will find:
- We always answer our phones
- We will have an estimator out to your house in days
- We will charge prices that are consistent, average and fair
- We will prepare a customized proposal that provides the clarity of scope, specifications and terms
- We will be able to schedule the work in a timely manner
- We will let you know a date that we plan to start your project.
- We will keep you in the loop the entire way and we will always be available for any questions and or concerns.
- We expect the highest level of craftmanship and professionalism from all of our technicians.
- We expect our customers to be smiling because of their positive experience with our service